
    week of 5/30/2023

    Good afternoon Hammerhead families! We have a little over 24 hours before our first dual meet. This meet will be at Camelot Pool (2443 Green Mtn. Rd., Huntsville, AL 35803) with warmups starting at 6 pm. We are excited to see what our team can do this year. With that being said, we have a few volunteer spots left to fill. We are thankful for all of you who have signed up to volunteer in many areas this season and look forward to those of you who have not signed up to fill a void, many hands make light work. 

    • Don't forget to wear your team shirt (or red & black) for Hammerhead Spirit Night tomorrow!
    • Team Pictures are Monday, June 5, starting at 5:45.
    • Shark-A-Thon RSVP's are needed, even if you do not plan to attend. Please complete this form as soon as possible. The "free t-shirt" option will close this Thursday!
    • If you have not declared for the next meet(s) (not tomorrows) please do so. Meets close for registration Sunday prior to the meet at 6 pm. This gives our volunteers and coaches time to compile the entries and build the meet and submit to Rocket City Swim League. 
    • Another email will be sent later with the heat sheet so you will have all the info needed for Wednesday's meet. 
    • A few items of interest: snacks, drinks, bug spray, sunscreen, and a chair will be your friend at every meet. Some meets will have concessions/food trucks. 
    • If your child is listed for a relay at a meet, please do not leave prior to the relay, if you do, please make sure to let the coach or myself know so we can fill that slot. Leaving without notice will prevent the other 3 members on the relay from swimming and will prevent your swimmer from being on a future relay. FYI, the relays are the most fun for the kids.  

    I am certain I am missing something, but I will think of it and include it in the Heat Sheet email. 

    Thank you,

    David Snider

    PS Thank you to all of you who stepped up and volunteered at Time Trials and practices so far this year! You are the real MVPs!

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